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Halloween Safety Tips Play up the Treats, Minimize the Tricks

Halloween Safety Image
Tips to keep yourself and your youngsters safe while enjoying a sweet time

All Hallows’ Eve began as an ancient Celtic harvest festival, marked by parties and feasts. The feasts have been replaced by mountains of candy, but one part of the festival remains: everyone wants to dress up and have fun.

Follow these tips and make sure the only scares are the welcome kind.

Safe Costumes

Whether your little monsters go for a superhero, a movie character or a “Pirates of the Caribbean” tableaux fashioned from a cardboard box, follow these tips to keep them visible and safe:

  • Decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape, paint or flashing lights to make them more visible.
  • Use non-toxic face paint or makeup instead of masks so vision isn’t obstructed.
  • Have kids carry glowsticks or flashlights.
  • Make sure costumes—including the shoes—are the right size, so kids don’t trip and fall.
  • Avoid sharp or long costume accessories like swords, canes and sticks, which can hurt kids if they stumble or trip.
  • Look for labels that indicate costumes and wigs are flame resistant.

And one comfort tip: The right footwear can mean the difference between “I’m tired. Carry me.” and “Can we go to three more houses?”

Safe Walking

The excitement of the evening can turn even the most cautious child into an impulsive creature. Here’s how kids (and parents) can avoid scary situations:

  • Accompany young children, especially if going out after dark.
  • Review the route in advance with older children trick-or-treating on their own.
  • Put electronic devices down and keep heads up, whether trick-or-treating or acting as a chaperone.
  • Stay on sidewalks and paths. Even if a crowd of children is crossing the street, make sure no vehicles are coming.
  • Stick to familiar, well-lit areas.
  • Only go to homes with a porch light on..

If you’re driving, turn headlights on even if it isn’t dark yet for better visibility, and be extra alert. Also, Halloween isn’t a good evening for inexperienced drivers to be behind the wheel.

Safe Décor

Flickering candles and glowing jack-o’-lanterns set the mood; here’s how to keep the fun safe:

  • Use battery powered candles rather than actual candles in jack-o’-lanterns and as holiday décor.
  • Make sure porches, entryways, yards and sidewalks are free of clutter, well-lighted and easy to navigate. Replace any burned-out bulbs.
  • Keep pets restrained. Even the calmest pet can act out of character when stimulated by the excitement of trick or treaters.
  • Don’t overload extension cords when powering decorations.
  • Check for the UL (Underwriters Laboratory) mark, indicating decorations have been tested and meet safety standards.
  • Sweep leaves from walkways and steps to prevent visitors from slipping on them.

More Safety Tips

According to the National Safety Council, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day. Please make sure your children don’t become part of that grim statistic.

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