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preventing basement floods

Keep Your Basement Dry with These Tips

Nothing strikes terror into a homeowner’s heart like coming home to water flooding the basement. Unfortunately, climate change has made basement floods increasingly common. It’s not only a pain to clean up, but a flooded basement can damage or destroy…

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protect against water damage

Protect Your Home Against Water Damage

When buying homeowners insurance, it’s tempting to decline coverage against water damage. If your home’s plumbing is in good condition—and you don’t live in a flood plain—you might think it’s a good idea to spend that money elsewhere. But every…

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rain damage coverage

Protect Your Home or Business from Rain Damage

Your home or commercial building is insured against rain and rain damage, right? If the roof leaks or the rain causes water damage for some other reason, most owners assume their policy will cover it. In reality, many property insurance…

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