Landlord / Building Owner Articles
Do you need an umbrella policy for a rainy day?
Once you've found the right commercial property coverage for your residential building, the final item you should consider is an umbrella policy, sometimes known as an excess liability policy. This…
Why Good Tenants Renew Their Leases
Every landlord wants to find good tenants who pay their rent on time, treat the property with respect, and follow the rules established in the lease. Considering the many expenses…
5 Improvements That Add Value to Rental Properties
When evaluating improvements for rental property, the smartest choices are both strategic and marketable. Landlords often face the same challenges as homeowners, such as budget limitations and cash flow concerns…
Should You Convert Your Gas Stoves to Electric?
By now, you’ve no doubt heard about the Climate Mobilization Act. Dubbed New York City’s Green New Deal, the legislation seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80%…
Does Your Building Need Non-Owned or Hired Auto Coverage?
As a building owner, even if you don’t own a company car, you may need special auto coverage on your commercial property insurance. Two forms of auto coverage are available:…
How to Beautify a Property (While Staying Within Budget)
As a landlord or rental property manager, deciding on updates to attract new renters can be difficult—especially now, with higher costs for both labor and materials. Property improvements like plumbing…
Hiring a Property Manager in the Greater New York City Area
Owning and renting properties can be a lucrative business endeavor but remains a serious undertaking, regardless of location. An overwhelming amount of time and energy often goes into learning the…
Do you have the right landlord insurance?
If your building is a rental property, then a standard homeowner or building insurance policy may not offer adequate protection. That’s where landlord insurance comes in. Rental properties face different…
Will Security Cameras Lower My Insurance Premiums?
Clients frequently ask us whether security cameras in their buildings will reduce their insurance premiums. Unfortunately, the answer is “no.” The sad fact is that too many business owners have…
Popular New York Property Insurance Coverage for City Building Owners
As discussed in previous articles, landlord insurance is a different animal than homeowner insurance. New York City building owners have different needs, as well as different options, than their counterparts…