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The difference between insurance value and market value

The Consequences of Underinsuring Your NYC Property

Do you have the right amount of insurance coverage for your needs? From time to time, we speak with building owners in the New York City area whose properties are drastically underinsured. They pay lower premiums but receive an unpleasant…

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Building Owners - Lower your building insurance costs

10 Ways to Lower Building Insurance Costs

When you get new insurance for your building or renew an existing policy, a representative from the insurance company will visit your property to evaluate it before setting your insurance rates. So how can you lower building insurance costs? And…

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covering multiple properties under once policy

Why Multi-Building Owners Benefit from a Master Policy

Many people think of co-ops and condos (aka condominiums and co-operative buildings) when they hear the term “master policy,” which protects one building with multiple owners. The owners/members all contribute to an insurance policy that protects the building and grounds,…

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Update Your Property Insurance

7 Signs You Need to Update Your Property Insurance

Most people don’t think about their property insurance until something happens. But when was the last time you made sure your coverage was up to date? It’s far more painful to review your policies after a tragedy strikes. Here are…

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insurance discounts for security cameras

Will Security Cameras Lower My Insurance Premiums?

Clients frequently ask us whether security cameras in their buildings will reduce their insurance premiums. Unfortunately, the answer is “no.” The sad fact is that too many business owners have tried to cut corners with fake security cameras, or by…

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Do the signs point to a new New York City insurance agent?

6 Signs You Need a New Insurance Agent

Change is hard. Whether you’re considering a new insurance agent or a new hairstylist, it’s usually easier to stick with the one you have. But the one you have might be costing you—time, money or even both. After more than…

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Landlord Insurance Review

Lower Landlord Insurance Costs: How to Get the Best Rates

Too many building owners put their landlord insurance on autopilot. Once they’ve bought a policy, they renew it year after year. However, this passive approach can quickly leave you underinsured. You might also pay unnecessarily higher premiums. We recognize that…

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